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PHP and MySQL Web Development

(Pearson-PHP-MYSQL-complete) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-045-7
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
Instructor Led (Add-on)
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

Learn PHP MySQL tools and techniques with the PHP and MySQL Web Development course and lab. The lab provides a hands-on learning experience in a safe and online environment. The PHP MySQL course and lab provide hands-on expertise to work with Web application security, MySQL administration, networks and protocol functions; image generation, debugging and logging; authentication, and personalization.

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

33+ Interactive Lessons | 12+ Exercises | 238+ Quizzes | 170+ Flashcards | 170+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

100+ Pre Assessment Questions | 100+ Post Assessment Questions |

Hands-On Labs

60+ LiveLab | 60+ Video tutorials | 01:20+ Hours



  • Why You Should Read This Book
  • What You Will Learn from This Book
  • What Is PHP?
  • What Is MySQL?
  • Why Use PHP and MySQL?
  • Some of PHP's Strengths
  • Some of MySQL's Strengths
  • What Is New in MySQL (8.x)?
  • How Is This Book Organized?
  • Finally

PHP Crash Course

  • Before You Begin: Accessing PHP
  • Creating a Sample Application: Bob's Auto Parts
  • Embedding PHP in HTML
  • Adding Dynamic Content
  • Accessing Form Variables
  • Understanding Identifiers
  • Examining Variable Types
  • Declaring and Using Constants
  • Understanding Variable Scope
  • Using Operators
  • Working Out the Form Totals
  • Understanding Precedence and Associativity
  • Using Variable Handling Functions
  • Making Decisions with Conditionals
  • Repeating Actions Through Iteration
  • Breaking Out of a Control Structure or Script
  • Employing Alternative Control Structure Syntax
  • Using declare
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Storing and Retrieving Data

  • Saving Data for Later
  • Storing and Retrieving Bob's Orders
  • Processing Files
  • Opening a File
  • Writing to a File
  • Closing a File
  • Reading from a File
  • Using Other File Functions
  • Locking Files
  • A Better Way: Databases
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using Arrays

  • What Is an Array?
  • Numerically Indexed Arrays
  • Arrays with Different Indices
  • Array Operators
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Sorting Arrays
  • Sorting Multidimensional Arrays
  • Reordering Arrays
  • Loading Arrays from Files
  • Performing Other Array Manipulations
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

  • Creating a Sample Application: Smart Form Mail
  • Formatting Strings
  • Joining and Splitting Strings with String Functions
  • Comparing Strings
  • Matching and Replacing Substrings with String Functions
  • Introducing Regular Expressions
  • Finding Substrings with Regular Expressions
  • Replacing Substrings with Regular Expressions
  • Splitting Strings with Regular Expressions
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Reusing Code and Writing Functions

  • The Advantages of Reusing Code
  • Using require() and include()
  • Using Functions in PHP
  • Defining Your Own Functions
  • Examining Basic Function Structure
  • Using Parameters
  • Understanding Scope
  • Passing by Reference Versus Passing by Value
  • Using the return Keyword
  • Implementing Recursion
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Object-Oriented PHP

  • Understanding Object-Oriented Concepts
  • Creating Classes, Attributes, and Operations in PHP
  • Instantiating Classes
  • Using Class Attributes
  • Calling Class Operations
  • Controlling Access with private and public
  • Writing Accessor Functions
  • Implementing Inheritance in PHP
  • Using Traits
  • Designing Classes
  • Writing the Code for Your Class
  • Understanding Advanced Object-Oriented Functionality in PHP
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Error and Exception Handling

  • Exception Handling Concepts
  • The Exception Class
  • User-Defined Exceptions
  • Exceptions in Bob's Auto Parts
  • Exceptions and PHP's Other Error Handling Mechanisms
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Designing Your Web Database

  • Relational Database Concepts
  • Designing Your Web Database
  • Web Database Architecture
  • Further Reading
  • Next

Creating Your Web Database

  • Using the MySQL Monitor
  • Logging In to MySQL
  • Creating Databases and Users
  • Setting Up Users and Privileges
  • Introducing MySQL's Privilege System
  • Setting Up a User for the Web
  • Using the Right Database
  • Creating Database Tables
  • Understanding MySQL Identifiers
  • Choosing Column Data Types
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Working with Your MySQL Database

  • What Is SQL?
  • Inserting Data into the Database
  • Retrieving Data from the Database
  • Updating Records in the Database
  • Altering Tables After Creation
  • Deleting Records from the Database
  • Dropping Tables
  • Dropping a Whole Database
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Accessing Your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP

  • How Web Database Architectures Work
  • Querying a Database from the Web
  • Putting New Information in the Database
  • Using Other PHP-Database Interfaces
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Advanced MySQL Administration

  • Understanding the Privilege System in Detail
  • Making Your MySQL Database Secure
  • Getting More Information About Databases
  • Optimizing Your Database
  • Backing Up Your MySQL Database
  • Restoring Your MySQL Database
  • Implementing Replication
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Advanced MySQL Programming

  • The LOAD DATA INFILE Statement
  • Storage Engines
  • Transactions
  • Foreign Keys
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Web Application Security Risks

  • Identifying the Threats We Face
  • Understanding Who We're Dealing With
  • Next

Building a Secure Web Application

  • Strategies for Dealing with Security
  • Securing Your Code
  • Securing Your Web Server and PHP
  • Database Server Security
  • Protecting the Network
  • Computer and Operating System Security
  • Disaster Planning
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Implementing Authentication Methods with PHP

  • Identifying Visitors
  • Implementing Access Control
  • Using Basic Authentication
  • Using Basic Authentication in PHP
  • Using Basic Authentication with Apache's .htaccess Files
  • Creating Your Own Custom Authentication
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Interacting with the File System and the Server

  • Uploading Files
  • Using Directory Functions
  • Interacting with the File System
  • Using Program Execution Functions
  • Interacting with the Environment: getenv() and putenv()
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using Network and Protocol Functions

  • Examining Available Protocols
  • Sending and Reading Email
  • Using Data from Other Websites
  • Using Network Lookup Functions
  • Backing Up or Mirroring a File
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Managing the Date and Time

  • Getting the Date and Time from PHP
  • Converting Between PHP and MySQL Date Formats
  • Calculating Dates in PHP
  • Calculating Dates in MySQL
  • Using Microseconds
  • Using the Calendar Functions
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Internationalization and Localization

  • Localization Is More than Translation
  • Understanding Character Sets
  • Creating a Basic Localizable Page Structure
  • Using gettext() in an Internationalized Application
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Generating Images

  • Setting Up Image Support in PHP
  • Understanding Image Formats
  • Creating Images
  • Using Automatically Generated Images in Other Pages
  • Using Text and Fonts to Create Images
  • Drawing Figures and Graphing Data
  • Using Other Image Functions
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using Session Control in PHP

  • What Is Session Control?
  • Understanding Basic Session Functionality
  • Implementing Simple Sessions
  • Creating a Simple Session Example
  • Configuring Session Control
  • Implementing Authentication with Session Control
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Integrating JavaScript and PHP

  • Understanding AJAX
  • A Brief Introduction to jQuery
  • Using jQuery in Web Applications
  • Using jQuery and AJAX with PHP
  • Further Reading
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Other Useful Features

  • Evaluating Strings: eval()
  • Terminating Execution: die() and exit()
  • Serializing Variables and Objects
  • Getting Information About the PHP Environment
  • Temporarily Altering the Runtime Environment
  • Highlighting Source Code
  • Using PHP on the Command Line
  • Next
  • Programming Exercises

Using PHP and MySQL for Large Projects

  • Applying Software Engineering to Web Development
  • Planning and Running a Web Application Project
  • Reusing Code
  • Writing Maintainable Code
  • Implementing Version Control
  • Choosing a Development Environment
  • Documenting Your Projects
  • Prototyping
  • Separating Logic and Content
  • Optimizing Code
  • Testing
  • Further Reading
  • Next

Debugging and Logging

  • Programming Errors
  • Variable Debugging Aid
  • Error Reporting Levels
  • Altering the Error Reporting Settings
  • Triggering Your Own Errors
  • Logging Errors Gracefully
  • Logging Errors to a Log File
  • Next

Building User Authentication and Personalization

  • Solution Components
  • Solution Overview
  • Implementing the Database
  • Implementing the Basic Site
  • Implementing User Authentication
  • Implementing Bookmark Storage and Retrieval
  • Implementing Recommendations
  • Considering Possible Extensions

Building a Web-Based Email Service with Laravel Part I

  • Introducing Laravel

Building a Web-Based Email Service with Laravel Part II

  • Building a Simple IMAP Client using Laravel
  • Pulling it All Together to Build a Web-based Email Client
  • Conclusion

Social Media Integration Sharing and Authentication

  • Web Service Authentication with OAuth
  • Conclusion

Building a Shopping Cart

  • Solution Components
  • Solution Overview
  • Implementing the Database
  • Implementing the Online Catalog
  • Implementing the Shopping Cart
  • Implementing Payment
  • Implementing an Administration Interface
  • Extending the Project

Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL

  • Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL Under UNIX
  • Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL for Windows and Mac OS X Using All-in-One Installation Packages
  • Installing PEAR
  • Installing PHP with Other Web Servers


PHP Crash Course

  • Creating a Form
  • Declaring Constants
  • Using Arithmetic Operators
  • Concatenating Strings
  • Using the Ternary Operator
  • Using the Type Operator
  • Creating an Output Form
  • Using the if Statement
  • Using the if-else Statement
  • Using the switch Statement
  • Using the while Loop
  • Using the for Loop
  • Using the foreach Loop
  • Using the do-while Loop

Storing and Retrieving Data

  • Opening and Reading a File

Using Arrays

  • Creating an Array
  • Inserting and Retrieving Values from an Array Using the foreach Loop
  • Creating a Multi-dimensional Array
  • Sorting an Array
  • Generating a Random Value
  • Loading Arrays from a File

String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

  • Creating a Dynamic Form
  • Splitting Strings with Regular Expressions

Reusing Code and Writing Functions

  • Reusing the Code
  • Creating a Function
  • Using the Pass by Reference
  • Reversing a String Using Recursion and Iteration

Object-Oriented PHP

  • Creating an Instance of a Class
  • Implementing Function Overriding
  • Implementing Static Methods
  • Generating a Fizzbuzz Sequence

Error and Exception Handling

  • Creating a User-Defined Exception Class
  • Implementing Error Handling

Creating Your Web Database

  • Creating a Table

Working with Your MySQL Database

  • Inserting Values into a Table
  • Retrieving All the Attribute Values Using an Asterisk
  • Retrieving the Data from Multiple Tables
  • Retrieving the Data in Sorted Order
  • Using Aggregate Functions
  • Using the GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses
  • Retrieving the Limited Number of Rows from the Table
  • Using the NOT IN Operator
  • Updating a Table
  • Modifying a Table Definition
  • Dropping a Table

Advanced MySQL Programming

  • Declaring a Basic Stored Procedure
  • Declaring a Stored Function
  • Using Cursors and Loops
  • Creating a Trigger

Implementing Authentication Methods with PHP

  • Implementing a Simple Authentication Mechanism

Interacting with the File System and the Server

  • Creating an HTML Form for File Upload
  • Displaying the Uploaded Files
  • Displaying the Directory List of the Uploaded Files

Using Network and Protocol Functions

  • Verifying the URL and Email Address

Managing the Date and Time

  • Calculating Age

Generating Images

  • Creating a Simple Line Graph

Using Session Control in PHP

  • Creating a Simple Session

Integrating JavaScript and PHP

  • Creating Functions Using jQuery

Other Useful Features

  • Listing the Extensions Available to PHP

Debugging and Logging

  • Declaring a Custom Error Handler

PHP and MySQL Web Development

$ 279.99

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