N10-003 Network+ Short Notes

Media and Topologies

  • Centralized computing is an environment in which a mainframe computer provides data storage and computational abilities.
  • Bus topology uses a 10Base2 cable.
  • Bus topology is the easiest to implement.
  • Bus and Ring are zero fault tolerant topologies.
  • Full-mesh topology is the most fault tolerant topology.
  • Mesh topology is a type of physical network design where all devices in a network are connected to each other with many redundant connections.
  • In star topology, when a single connection to one of the network hosts fails, the failed connection will be down and the host will not have network connectivity.
  • LEDs on a network card of a client computer indicates the sending and receiving of data.
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E-Commerce Architect Short Notes: Exam Passing Tips

Overview of Electronic Commerce

  • B2C and B2B are types of e-commerce.
  • B2C stands for business-to-consumer. B2C involves transactions conducted between businesses and consumers over the Internet. For example, placing an order for a book or a home appliance by a consumer to a business over the Internet.
  • B2B stands for business-to-business. B2B involves transactions conducted between businesses over the Internet. It is used to exchange products, services, or information between businesses. B2B is also known as e-biz.
  • The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international industry consortium that develops common standards for the World Wide Web to promote its evolution and interoperability.
  • E-commerce sites offer a wide access to existing markets. Moreover, they give new access to undiscovered markets. Online stores have many advantages over the traditional stores.
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