4 Factors to Consider in Choosing a Certification to Match Your Career Goals

Professionals in many fields can benefit from pursuing relevant certification. Not only can certificates make job candidates more desirable during the hiring process, they can also assist current professionals in being promoted. Employers also may see higher productivity and work quality from workers with diverse skill-sets gained through the certification process. Of course, not just any certificate will do. It is important to choose one that best fits your career goals.

4 Factors to Consider in Choosing a Certification to Match Your Career Goals1. Goals for Certification

First, it is necessary to ask yourself why you are seeking certification. If you aim to increase your salary, for example, you can choose a particularly high-paying certificate program. If you wish to work on building your skills, consider a program that allows for consecutive progressive certificates. Likewise, if you seek to establish yourself as an expert in a particular subject like Oracle Database Certification, you may look for programs that provide you with the most up-to-date training available.

2. Sector Interests

It is equally important to choose a certification that you are interested in. If the training does not hold your attention, you are unlikely to actually learn the content, and the inherent benefits of the program can be lost. Many certificates are offered in specialized sub-fields, which means you can choose one that allows you to develop a deeper knowledge of a specific topic within your sector.

3. Certificate Reviews

Not all certificate programs are created equally. In the same way that you are likely to check the reviews of a restaurant before you go out to eat, be sure to look into how certificates in the same topic offered by different companies might yield different results. This might include varying time commitments, opportunities to retake the certification exams or industry recognition.

4. Plan for Re-Certification

Remember to also know how long your certification lasts. Some never need to be renewed, but others require recertification. If you choose to pursue a track that includes recertification, plan out how you can maintain your skills throughout the year and create a system to track your progress. It is also not uncommon to plan ahead for an initial certification. Be sure that you understand any prerequisites and plan accordingly.

No matter what your reasons are for pursuing professional certification or what your interests are, it is crucial to choose a program that fits your career goals. Following the above steps can help you determine exactly the type of certificate you are looking for. By successfully completing a certification, you may quickly see yourself in a more comfortable and satisfying working position.

Protect Yourself From The Latest Cybersecurity Threats

The next time you’re using the Internet whether at work or home stop, check and then connect. Keep in mind that you are both the target of cybercriminals and the strongest line of defense against cyber threats to your employer and yourself. In the present time where technology is touching new heights, on the other hand, it is also giving birth to the new techniques of attacking the organizations. Recent surveys have proved that approximately 4,000 cyber-attacks take place each and every day. This enhances the importance of cybersecurity threat protection for an organization and individual person. We are here to provide you with some technique, adding them to your daily practices will help you protect against the threats. But, let us first give you the main modes of attacks these days.

Protect Yourself From The Latest Cybersecurity Threats Explore uCertify

Phishing Emails

Recent surveys claimed that approx. 75M phishing emails are sent daily that results in about 2,000 victims per day. Pay attention before replying to such email, opening an attachment, or clicking on a link in what could be a suspicious email. In past months a lot of shreds of evidence have proved that 9 of 10 Phishing emails are now Ransomware. Ransomware is one of the easiest ways for cybercriminals with a lesser amount of effort, so these numbers will only go up as time goes on. This is evident that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear-phishing attack. Criminals are using the old ‘spray and pray’ approach to sending out mass phishing emails. The annual cost of global ransomware is very high approx. USD 2.3 Billion and the numbers are increasing continuously along with the number of victims.

Here are some techniques that you can add to your daily practice and help you avoid security threats:

Do Not Insert Any Unknown USB to Your Computer

This is a huge security risk; this technique is used by the criminals to phish employees.

Never Use A Post-It Note for Storing Your Passwords

A lot of users post their computer password right on their monitors by mistake.

Never Open Email Attachments You Didn’t Ask For

Beware before opening any attachment! If you get an attachment you didn’t ask then it’s best to have a look before opening. If you don’t know the sender, or if the file type is not recognizable, there is no need to open that attachment.

Use A HTTPS Connection When Using A Credit Card Transaction

Before you complete any transaction make sure the URL starts with “https” rather than “HTTP”. The site with which you will deal with is secured with SSL technology like Comodo SSL Certificate because that will protect your transaction while transferring between web server and web browser.

So, now when you know the importance of cybersecurity protection you must have highly skilled certified professionals to protect your organization. uCertify offers courses for cybersecurity certification exams that will help you get the cybersecurity certification.

Corporate Training: Important Trends

Corporate Training: Important Trends

As the learning industry is reaching new heights of success, we are able to gather more and more metrics about the trends on online learning, corporate training, and the like. Reports have proven that United States is investing USD 156 million on employee learning initiatives… that’s quite the figure! It is quite interesting to see that an average of USD 1,059 is invested per learning for about one workweek of training. The question arises here is under what category this falls into and is it sufficient. The training that is provided to the employees are delivered online or computer-based and mobile devices. In total, 1.1% of training hours on mobile technology and 24.7% via online or computer-based devices. This can be thought as increased substantially on technology, as well as the continued adoption of these devices. Formal classroom training is just one way to meet the skills gap. With an explosive growth in technology tools, the best corporate training programs provide multiple ways people can consume training, both formal and informal. Collaborative platforms, self-authored video, mobile and blended learning options are all becoming accepted corporate training tools. While skills gaps continue to challenge companies, an increased investment in company training programs is good for everyone: employees, businesses and new hires. There is no scope of knowledge and technology as new modifications are taking place everyday. Let us give you an overview of the latest technologies being used for training:

  • Rapid E-Learning Tools: 56%
  • Application Simulation Tool: 43%
  • Learning Management System (LMS): 73%
  • Virtual Classroom/Webcasting/Video Broadcasting: 70%

Today more than ever, organizations need a highly-skilled professional to help close the ever-widening skills gap. uCertify is the right platform that provides practical and useful tools to make the job at all levels in the organization easier and more impactful. We want to share our expertise and passion for adult learning to help organizations improve performance and close the skill gap!

iOS vs. Android Development: Which One You Should Go For?

iOS vs. Android Development: Which One You Should Go For?

There are a lot of advancements taking place in the field of mobile app development that can be seen with the increased number of apps in your apps store. App developers are creating the latest software applications for mobile devices which you can easily find at Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store. Mobile developers are developing different types of applications for numerous operating systems like a native, Android or iOS. With all of the variations in the operating systems, selecting which OS to learn is the most critical thing for a professional starting career in the field of mobile development.

Mobile development is the fastest-growing domain in the software industry, full of opportunities and freelance job possibilities. Mobile development and the job of the mobile developer is changing all the time, with updated versions of operating systems (OS), new devices, and new technological capabilities. The most popular operating systems are Android, iOS, and Windows. Currently, iOS and Android have taken over the majority of the mobile industry. According to recent stats, the two platforms acquire 97% of the total market. With such huge audiences, iOS and Android offer plenty of opportunities for the professionals seeking a career in either OS. Some mobile developers want to learn both operating systems to diversify their skill sets.
Time to compare both the operating systems on the basis of some technologies such as development, design guidelines, fragmentation, publishing, and restrictions.

In terms of development, both the OS are almost equal. If you want to develop for both iOS and Android using the official methods, then you’re going to have to install two IDEs, learn two programming languages, get to grips with two SDKs and learn various APIs. In other technologies, in few Android is better and in some iOS is. So, it is quite difficult to draw any conclusion, therefore, you should go for the technology you find more interesting with uCertify, the online learning platform that provides all the learning solution and suits your requirements. You may also check prestashop vs magento compatition for more clarity.