Some quick FAQs to learn about Microsoft 70-306 exam

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-306?

A: Before taking the exam, you should have at least one year of experience in developing Windows-based applications. You should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

Q: What credit does it provide?

A: After passing the exam, you will achieve the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. You will also be eligible for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) for Microsoft .NET, the Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for Microsoft .NET, and the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 certifications.
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How to prepare for 70-432 exam

Microsoft test 70-432 focuses on your ability to maintain and implement SQL Server 2008 computers. To successfully pass the test 70-432, you need to practice the following:

  1. Install SQL Server 2008 and related services.
  2. Configure SQL Server instances.
  3. Configure SQL Server services.
  4. Configure additional SQL Server components.
  5. Implement database mail.
  6. Configure full-text indexing.
  7. Manage SQL Server Agent jobs.
  8. Manage SQL Server Agent alerts.
  9. Continue reading “How to prepare for 70-432 exam”

Everything you want to know about MCTS: 70-432 exam

Q. What is the MCTS: 70-432 exam?

A. Microsoft’s MCTS: SQL Server 2008 (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: SQL Server) certification is one of the most recent certifications offered by Microsoft. The Microsoft MCTS: SQL Server certification has been designed for professionals who have an in-depth knowledge in implementing and maintaining SQL Server 2008. These professionals have a thorough knowledge of using T-SQL statements, carrying out everyday maintenance task, and troubleshooting of errors using the SQL Server 2008. The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) on SQL Server 2008 is appropriate for professionals working or want to work in a typically complex computing environment of medium-to-large organizations.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the 70-432 exam?

A. There are no specific prerequisites for the 70-432 exam. It is recommended that a candidate should have knowledge of using database tools, wizards, writing and debugging SQL statements.

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Quick FAQs to learn about the Microsoft 70-299 exam

Q. What is the prerequisite for taking the Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network (70-299) exam?

A. The exam is appropriate for you if you are working or want to work in a typically complex computing environment of medium-to-large organizations. There are no specific prerequisites for this exam, although it is recommended that you should have at least one year of experience in implementing and administering network operating systems in network environments.

Q. What certificate does it provide?

A. Microsoft’s 70-299 exam is designed to measure your ability to plan and maintain security in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 environment. It tests your skills to manage and maintain a secure Windows Server 2003 environment. After passing this exam you will become a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).
Continue reading “Quick FAQs to learn about the Microsoft 70-299 exam”

Everything you want to know about 70-315

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-315?

A: Before taking the exam, candidates should have at least one year of experience in developing Web-based applications. They should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft C# .NET.

Q: What credit does it provide?

A: After passing the exam, you will achieve the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. You will also be eligible for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) for Microsoft .NET, the Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for Microsoft .NET, and the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 certifications.

Q: Which certification does it cover?

A: The exam is a core requirement for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) for Microsoft .NET certification. It is also a core exam for the Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for Microsoft .NET certification if you have focused on the Web Application Development stream. It is an elective exam for MCAD .NET certification if you have focused on the Windows Application Development stream and for the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 certification.
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